

Our Story

Welcome to My BakeBay!

At My BakeBay, we believe that every moment deserves a sweet touch. Our journey began in 2020 when a passion for baking and an overwhelming love for burnt cheesecake inspired us to embark on a delightful adventure.

From Home Kitchen to Kuala Lumpur

What started as a humble home-based endeavor quickly blossomed into something more. The positive feedback and encouragement from friends and neighbors fueled our desire to spread the joy of delectable desserts. In 2020, we made the decision to move to the vibrant city of Kuala Lumpur, where My BakeBay officially took root.

The Art of Baking, From Scratch

In our pursuit of perfection, we dedicated ourselves to mastering the art of baking and crafting fondant from scratch. The journey wasn’t always easy, but it was incredibly rewarding. It took years of dedication, countless hours of experimentation, and a commitment to continuous learning. Each step of the way, we discovered new flavors, techniques, and the importance of creating not just desserts, but experiences.

Building a Sweet Team

My BakeBay is more than a bakery; it’s a family of passionate bakers and creatives who share a common love for turning simple ingredients into extraordinary treats. Over the years, we’ve assembled a talented team of assistant bakers who bring their unique skills and enthusiasm to every creation.

Our Commitment to You

Today, My BakeBay stands as a testament to the love and dedication we pour into every cake. We invite you to savor the moments with us, whether it’s a special celebration or a simple indulgence. Our commitment to quality, creativity, and your satisfaction is the driving force behind everything we do.

Thank you for being a part of our sweet journey. We look forward to filling your life with the irresistible taste of My BakeBay.

Indulge. Enjoy. Celebrate.

Emma Founder, My BakeBay


Quality Assurance

At My BakeBay, our commitment to you is unwavering quality. We promise to use only the finest, freshest ingredients in every creation, ensuring that each bite is a delectable experience.

Customer Satisfaction Guarantee

Your satisfaction is our top priority. We guarantee that every cake from My BakeBay is not only a feast for the senses but also a reflection of our dedication to your joy.

Creative Customization and Personalization

Whether it's a special theme, dietary preference, or a specific design, our team is here to collaborate with you and create a custom masterpiece that not only meets but exceeds your expectations.
